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Supremacy 1914

Supremacy 1914

The new Supremacy 1914 construction menu allows you to place all building-related orders as well as orders for the creation of ground, air, and naval units.

Choose your preferred nation and get to the peak of the empire of your choice during WWI. The production of supplies, troops, and weapons should be balanced against the special resources that your land has to offer. In the WWI scenario you are presented with, forge alliances with your adversaries, strike important trade agreements, or resort to self-defense.

Making the right first impression when constructing with limited resources is crucial for the development of the economy and the military power of the country. Anyone who "misses" or "slingshots" the optimal early-game buildings to construct won't get very far in the game later on.


  • Capable of being played across a wide variety of worlds and situations.
  • Troops and vehicles that are accurate recreations of those from the past, such as those from the past.
  • Tests were conducted at the time on various types of weapons and fighting units.
  • Regularly occurring upgrades and brand new material.
  • Establish meaningful connections with the other participants.

How To Play

Use your left click to interact with objects and menu items.

Which country will you govern over, and how will you bolster your authority over everyone else? Decide what to do, then take a step back and analyze how your strategy unfolds to see if your tactical mind is prepared to achieve actual superiority