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A Sniper’s Vengeance: The Story of Linh

A Sniper’s Vengeance: The Story of Linh

All set to begin the dark first-person action shooter game A Sniper’s Vengeance: The Story of Linh. The protagonist of this game is called Linh, and it takes place in the midst of the Vietnam War.

Vietnamese girl Linh possesses a spirit of retaliation. She intends to defeat every commander, but there are obstacles in her way. As you follow the protagonist as she fights for both her country and her own vengeance, the game presents a distinctive viewpoint on war. Get rid of the senior officers to create disarray in the enemy army and open the door for an unexpected attack. Recall that becoming a successful sniper requires both accuracy and patience. 


Aim your sniper weapon with your mouse or trackpad, then click to shoot. 

Are you prepared to take on the difficulties of combat and use your sniper rifle with accuracy? 

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